Can Rabbits Eat Cherries? – Yes or No – Here’s why

If you have introduced a new pet rabbit into your home, then chances are you are keen to maintain them on a healthy and balanced diet.

Something that sounds a lot easier than it actually is, especially when you are unsure about what food your beloved bunny should or shouldn’t eat. 

Unlike other domesticated animals, such as cats and dogs, rabbits come with numerous requirements that they need to live a comfortable and secure life. From a large and spacious enclosure to comfortable bedding and hay, rabbits are not simple animals to care for and they also have strict dietary needs that have to be met. 

Can Rabbits Eat Cherries

So if you are still wondering what foods you can give your bunny rabbit, then we have everything you need to know.

Down below, we have gathered some important information concerning rabbits and their relationship with cherries – whether they are allowed to eat the delicious fruit and what effect it has on their health and diet. 

Can Rabbits Eat Cherries?

Chances are we have all tasted some kind of cherry at some point in our lives, with the small and vibrant fruits often featuring as the primary ingredient in a variety of different candies and desserts.

Known for their bright color and iconic green stalks, there are currently 1,200 varieties of cherries in the world, each with its own unique taste and appearance. 

Like most fruits, cherries are also known to contain high levels of Vitamin C, as well as other nutrients that our bodies need to function optimally and efficiently. Because cherries contain such high percentages of potassium and fibre, they are often recommended as part of our five a day and are often favored for their signature sweetness. 

But does this mean that you can give cherries to your rabbit? Well, the short and simple answer to this question is yes, you can give cherries to your pet rabbit. In fact, rabbits can eat and enjoy all varieties of cherry, with the fruit being capable of providing your bunny rabbit with the vitamins and nutrients that they need. 

However, there is one thing that you should be wary of and that is the number of cherries that you are giving your rabbit. Although cherries can be very beneficial for humans, they do contain high amounts of natural sugar, which can damage your bunny’s digestive system when eaten in large quantities. 

If you are interested in adding cherries to your rabbit’s diet, then you need to make sure that you are always measuring the amounts that you give. Otherwise, you could risk making your adorable pet fatally ill, which could mean seeking the help of a veterinarian. 

Can Rabbit Eat Dried Cherries? 

Although we have already established that rabbits can eat fresh cherries, they should never be given dried cherries as an alternative. This is because dried fruit is known to contain three times the amount of sugar as normal fruit, which can be particularly harmful to your rabbit’s stomach and digestive system. 

In general, dried fruit is not considered a healthy or safe snack for your bunny to consume. So if you are keen to give your rabbit a sweet treat from time to time, we recommend using small amounts of fresh fruit or even a few mint leaves, as these will be more beneficial for your rabbit’s health. 

However, it is also not wise to assume your rabbit’s likes and dislikes. So if you are unsure of what food your rabbit should eat, give them a small piece and see if they can tolerate it, as this is often the most effective way to discern what your rabbit enjoys. 

Do Rabbits Eat Cherries In The Wild?

Do Rabbits Eat Cherries In The Wild

Unlike domesticated rabbits, wild species have more opportunities to experience new and exciting foods in their natural environments, with wild rabbits often surviving on a diet of grass stems and other various plant life. However, this does not mean that rabbits are commonly known to eat cherries in the wild. 

This is because wild rabbits will rarely encounter fresh fruit in their natural habitats, which means, unlike humans, they have evolved to survive without its needs. Although there have been cases where wild rabbits have been seen eating blackberries and blueberries, they do not actually need to eat the fruit to maintain a healthy and balanced diet. 

So if you have seen videos of rabbits eating cherries and have grown concerned about the lack of fruit in your bunny’s diet, then there is nothing to worry about.

At the end of the day, rabbits do not actually need to eat fruit to obtain vitamins and minerals and they are perfectly capable of living long and comfortable lives on a balanced diet of water, hay and vegetables.  

How To Serve Cherries To Your Rabbit

Although rabbits do not technically need to eat fruit, there is nothing wrong with giving them some from time to time. In fact, small amounts of fruit can be a delicious snack for rabbits and can even be beneficial for their health. 

So if you are still interested in introducing cherries into your bunny’s diet, then there are certain factors that you need to consider first. To help you better approach the feeding process, we have outlined these factors in the instructions down below. 

  • Remove The Pit & Stalk: When it comes to feeding cherries to your pet rabbit, you must always remember to remove the pit and the stalk. If you do not do this, then you could risk your bunny choking on the matter, which can be dangerous as bunnies are incapable of vomiting. The pit and stalk also contain cyanide, which can be poisonous when consumed. 
  • Cherries Can Leave Stains: If you have never fed your rabbit cherries before, then you have probably never seen them with a vibrant red ring around their lips. Unfortunately, cherries are very juicy and this means that they can leave stains on your rabbit’s fur, as well as on your carpet and sofa. So if you are going to feed your bunny some cherries, we recommend that you use a bowl or feed them from your hand. 
  • Do Not Feed Them The Leaves: Although rabbits are known to eat a variety of different plants and vegetation, this does not mean that all plants are harmless to them. For example, you should never feed your rabbit leaves, sticks or limbs from the cherry tree, as these are highly poisonous and could kill your rabbit in the right conditions. 
  • Small Quantities Are Key: As we have previously mentioned, you should only feed your rabbit small amounts of cherries from time to time. We recommend only giving your rabbit one cherry two times a week, as anything more could risk damaging your rabbit’s stomach, which could lead to other problems in the future.